Thursday, August 4, 2011

you don't need water to feel like your drowning.

I have no solid proof that Michael is/has cheated on me this time around, and therefore am unsure of how to handle the situation. I have gut feelings and a few things that don't quite add up...such as the texts between him and this andrea girl are the only ones deleted out of his phone. He said she is his friends ex-wife (why would you talk to your friends ex-wife on the regular?) and that her kids live with andrea's sister in bloomington, and that andrea lives in michigan. Well, i took it upon myself to contact her personally. She said there is nothing going on and that she is married with children. So, which is it? married or divorced? and either way, why are you talking to your friends wife/ex-wife? (and if she IS married, i wouldn't expect her to admit that she is also cheating on someone.) that doesn't make much sense to me. But, i guess i don't have anything solid to go on, and can only hope he's as good as his word. However, I will proceed with caution. 
Also, conveniently, he has suddenly decided that he is ready to have kids. Now, a month ago, he was talking 2 years from now. I think he knows how important that is to me and he's using that against me. And now i'm in quite the predicament. I want a child so bad it literally consumes 90% of my thoughts on a daily basis. But, is he just using that as a way to keep me around? I assure you, child or not, if i caught him red handed cheating on me, it would be over. and for GOOD this time.
Another reason i want to have children as soon as i can, is that i fear something happening to my mom. And i want her, and my children, to have the chance to know each other. Thats very important for me to have her in their lives. 
And, currently, my mom is in a wheelchair due to a broken leg . She has broken this leg several times now this year (without doing ANYTHING to cause it to break.) and is being sent to a BONE DISEASE SPECIALIST. Of course, she tells me not to worry...but how can i not? That just sounds terrible to me. I am afraid of losing my mother before I have children. I want her to be there for me, and for, in my eyes, the sooner, the better. I would like them to have as much time with her as possible. Ya get me?
Anyways, I guess i feel like that stupid overused quote of 'being stuck between a rock and a hard place" and i just don't know what to do anymore. 
Hell, i really never know what to do...i usually just hope things figure themselves out for me...But, we see where that has gotten me in the past. Ha.