Wednesday, August 10, 2011

spoke too soon...

It seems I spoke to soon with the baby talk. :(
After our first attempt, Michael about had a freaking meltdown. So, looks like we'll be holding off a while until Daddy can get his head straight and feel more comfortable with the idea of having a kid. He's the kind of person that will stand in a store for 45 minutes trying to decide if he would rather have a snickers or a twix. (and I am not exaggerating.) He's just super freaked out all the sudden by the thought of having a child. It's cute that he is so concerned and nervous [Hell, I know the moment I saw those two pink lines, I would be terrified, but I know I can do it.--It's normal to be scared.]. But, now my goals of having a family are being put on hold again while he composes himself. Who knows how long that will take.
We talked about this for a long time, and he said he was ready. We talked about baby names, our long term plans, finances, etc. And ultimatily, the power was in his hands (seeing as I can't get myself pregnant. haha.) And he chose to proceed in the baby making all the way to the end. I guess reality hit him right after the fact. Lucky for him, I believe it was a little early for me to be ovulating... So, odds are no baby will come out of this try.
I feel really let down, because i thought this was something we were completely on the same page about. We've had NUMEROUS conversations and planning talks.
I guess there is nothing I can do but wait, and hope that he becomes more comfortable with the idea in the near future. After all, my clock is TICKING!


  1. you might tell mr mike that if he waits until hes "ready". . he'll never be ready. Yes, you will freak out no matter how ready you are for it once you see the positive pregnancy test. but then when acceptance sets in, you'll be happy and excited. I hope it happeneds for you because i would be soooo happy.

  2. P.S. tell him to put his big boy pants on! haha

  3. He just gets mad at me when i try to bring it up now. Makes no sense to me. Honestly, I feel like my life has no real purpose, until i have a child.

  4. sounds like he MAY not be the one for your. if he doesnt come around soon, i'd stop wasting time. I love you and support you in whatever you choose to do. :)
